Grave Matters

Grave Matters

Grave Matters contains stories of actual murder, attempted murder, killing, and more.

Grave Matters contains stories of actual murder, attempted murder, killing, and unsolved mysteries relating to the general them of "Murder". We have selected these stories because we have found them to be of interest to ourselves and to others. These crimes did not all happen locally, but affected people of Blackford County in some way.

Guest Writer: Judge Bruce C. Bade
Technical Assistance: Mary Lou Marshall, Ron Storms, Amy L. Sorrell

About the Book
Authors: Louise Clamme, Sinuard Castelo
Genre: History
Publisher: Blackford County Historical Society
Publication Year: 2014
Format: Paperback
Length: 180 pages
List Price: Softcover: $15.00; Hardcover: $20.00